Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The day my Ipad flew away

So yesterday, the husband and I had a pocket of free time where we managed to catch Kung Fu Panda 2. I wanted to watch it in the normal mode a la 2D but my husband wanted to watch it in 3D. And so the stars were aligned with him cause the tickets left for 2D were only for the first row, so I had no choice but to watch it in 3D instead, bleah.

Anyway whats the whole fuss right? The fuss is I simply don't like 3D. No doubt the technology for 3D has advanced way better now, but I find it a hassle to wear the glasses and besides, it made the whole show's lighting even darker. And on top of it if you need to wear your regular glasses, it made me feel so silly, wearing 2 glasses.

The movie was alright with a few laughs, and there will be a part 3. And GV is having a promotion now! With any tickets purchased, you'll get a game card whereby you scan it on a game machine and choose your prizes! It will popped out 3 movies icons, Kung Fu Panda 2, Aliens and Captain America. Behind these icons, are prizes like Caltex petrol, GV movies passes, mobile phones and Ipad. And I almost won an Ipad!!

Cause I was deciding which icon to choose, and I decided to choose Kung Fu Panda 2 as we were watching the show, but I actually wanted to choose the Captain America's icon which had that winning prize! GRRRRRRRRRR!!!

SIGH!!! My Ipad!! In the end I won a Caltex voucher and I don't even have a car. The consolation is I got to keep the game card to enjoy a 1 for 1 movie ticket purchase.

And my cute son to cheer me up.

he thinks its a game when I keep trying to put those shades on him


Anonymous said...

actually, even if you had picked captain America, you would never have won the ipad. the prizes don't actually exist, contrary to what you think. the system is made very cleverly where whichever movie you pick, you win a caltex discount or a watsons dicount. its actually pretty lame. only the one-for-one ticket is cool:)

life-muse said...

yeah, thats what my husband said too.. i guess we all win with the one-for-one ticket then! :)