Friday, June 4, 2010

zoom zoom

holy kaw! its june already, time is zooming by.

from my pregnancy to the birth of benjamin, its like literally in the blink of an eye.

he is getting so cute and adorable everyday, making cute but mostly weird sounds, hitting his milestones like flipping, putting his hands together, lifting his head albeit still wobbly and smiling and cooing and chuckles! love his chuckles!

it still amazes me that i have a child. a child of my own. not somebody else but my very own. at times when looking after him, i still feel like i'm just baby-sitting, but everytime when i carry him and hold him close and smell his sweet baby smell, i thank god that he is mine. though many people have said that he looks alot like the father, somewhere inside, my gene is around haha! like he has 2 dimples on each cheek, hmm think thats the only thing i contributed so far, woots!

i just hope he has his daddy's brains.

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