Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fits so right

I think I've found it.

This pair...

Please pardon the horrible photo shop editing and just focus on my jeans.

I've always had this irritation with my jeans that after a few wears, they tend to ride down and sag at my bum and the most unglam thing to do would be me having to hike it up while you know. queuing up for the bus or even while walking!

You know what I mean right?! Or am I the only one facing this problem?

So I found this pair of jeans at a H&M in Tokyo and best part of it was, ON SALE RACK.

On first look, I was sceptical if I could even fit in it because well, mother here has flabby thighs and flabby tummy and it was a skinny. But! Never say no to a pair of ON SALE RACK jeans.

Went to the fitting room to try it on and when it went past my calves, I was like wondering if it would wriggled past my thighs and when it did, I wonder if I could even button it up and when it did, *throws confetti and cue angels singing Hallelejah!*

So mother here has been wearing it for the past three weeks. Hey no judgement here because I don't wanna screw up our relationship by washing it.

That's the exact relationship my husband has with the shower.

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